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We eat bitches for breakfast

so dont bitch to us, or we'll eat you up (:

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.Thursday, November 13, 2008 '
DuoPai? 就是这样

hie, i nid ure help to vote (rate) http://www.dtvm.sg/video/27/Your-Love-My-Dream, other pple are like ahead like shit, help me adver and ask ure fwens too please! =] ty
pls vote!!!!

DuoPAI? 就是这样派

.Monday, October 20, 2008 '
DuoPai? 就是这样

Support Support

DuoPAI? 就是这样派

.Friday, October 3, 2008 '
DuoPai? 就是这样

The 2 deceased, Eddy Afendi & Mernel Koh.
our condolences.

This is Yuzuki posting.
Bet many of you have been keeping up with this shocking news.
Especially me. Have been chasing the newspaper everytime it comes out.
Didn't miss anything about this news. Not because I am KPO or what.
But, Mernel was nevertheless, my friends's friend.
Although I also don't know her well, still want to clarify for her :
- at least thats what her dad said to the news.
- both her and eddy have their own partners.
- no one can force another to do anything they don't want to.

so, stop pushing the blame from eddy to mernel, or vice versa.
really very sad over this incident. also made me see through life.
mernel & eddy, do RIP.
& if you guys happen to read what the earthlings are talking about you,
ignore the negative ones. take care, and may God bless.

do tag at our tagboard, to send your well wishes to them.

多派 第五规: 没有什么不能解决,千万要三思而行 :/

DuoPAI? 就是这样派

.Wednesday, September 17, 2008 '
DuoPai? 就是这样

feel like you're just like a fading soul in the world?
feel like the limelight is always on the wrong part?
feel like you're always alone, emo-ing?
feel like sleeping and never wake up?
feel like no matter how good you are, you cant be highlighted to the world?

this is yuzuki, finally free.
many people seems to be joining the emo-culture.
well, i've always believe, being optimistic is not easy. but once you acquired the key to becoming optimistic, life wont seem as tough. today, im gonna share some points that i observed in life in this 16 of years on earth :D

- you need alot of them, in fact, they can be just hi-bye friends :D
- best friends, 2-3 is enough. too many, you'll neglect others and be neglected.
- good friend : to guide you to the right path. they will sound very nonsense, very mean. but what they say, are what really really benefits you. what they say normally goes the opposite way of yours.
- bad friend : to lead you astray. they will sound very sweet, honey mouth. but what they say, are what really destroy you. what they say are normally the thoughts you think.
-typical classmates ( friend ), are friends who " heys, XXX, i need your help :D " in times of needs and " WHAT LAH XXX, CANT YOU SEE IM BUSY? " when they dont need help.
take the right choice, and choose the right GOOD friends. if you are emo-ing because of friends, you're really silly. friends, will never make you cry. they will only dry your tears and cry for you.

- r/s for youngsters like us, wont last.
- however, im not saying 100%, i've got an aunty, her husband and her have been dating since secondary school. so, its still feasible. depends on the right partner :D
- if the guy/girl ditches you and say " i want to concentrate on other things ", then just say " im ditching you too ". because, thats the lamest and most irresponsible excuse.
- if the guy/girl ditches you and say " im so sorry, i realise, i didnt love you the way i thought i was ", then just say " its okay, its the same for me too". because, you need a stairway down.
- if the guy/girl ditches you and say " im so sorry, i realise, you're too good for me", then just say " wow, i didn't know you realised that ! im like an angel, and you, a worm. so, lets break up, rmb, ITS ME DITCHING YOU ". because, thats the fakest excuse, and you should, just bluntly, suan him.
-if they guy/girl ditches you and say " lets break up. ", then, just break up with him/her.
so, crying over the lost r/s, is it worth it? since its alr over, why waste your precious tears over the other party ? just find another suitable candidate. the other party will definitely regret.
well, this are the 2 main reasons that i think are causing emo-culture to be flourishing. so, ANTI THEM. dont let your friends get hurt anymore. let emo-culture die down, let no more people cut / injure themselves.

vain, is all about loving yourself.
doing things that benefits youself.
loving yourself with all your heart, soul, and mind.
yuzuki signing off :D


DuoPAI? 就是这样派

.Tuesday, September 16, 2008 '
DuoPai? 就是这样

多派第三规- 用乐观的心态来看待事情
Mizuki here :)
Yuzuki's busy lately.
Well just to share, this rule can be said to be the most difficult of all. Life is a journey of ups and downs but its really ure life and its just this once. I bet every one is very familiar with " Carpe diem" Seize the day. Looking back it seems as if time has passed by so quietly yet so swiftly. Thinking about the past makes me wonder about the future, excited yet fearful. Life seems like such a chiemology, one that no one really understands, yet people still yearn to make it one that leave behind a legacy. I admire those who walk amongst us everyday yet leave behind their footsteps when they go. Its really difficult to do that. They are the ones who make people smile. And one of the most famous person i can think of who did that is Mother Theresa. Her words impacted the world alot and touched my heart...

Quoted from her: "Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. " 不管遇到什么事,要笑.. no matter what happens in ure life, lets say choose to view it from another point of view. "只要笑一笑, 没什么事请过不了!". So the word is smile. But before you can do that, optimism plays a big role. :)

Its the end of prelims for the sec4s and the results will be flooding in soon. Mizuki wishes all Sec4s all the best and that everyone will try to look at things from the brighter point of view. Mizuki and Yuzuki getting back results too. Lets say, we cant even confirm we can do the third rule well too. but, we try.

Mizuki believes in miracles.
Mizuki believes in smiles.
I tink they are the sweetest gift of all.
But not easily given though especially when its pouring in life.
hmm. But we try.
Won't you?

DuoPAI? 就是这样派

.Sunday, September 14, 2008 '
DuoPai? 就是这样


不讲中秋, 讲七月。 :)

Anyway, tis is mizuki sharing abt the very 热闹 month that just passed by so quickly, 七月. Just a brief one... Perhaps alot of you may be thinking im crazy, like why share about the ghost festival that placed many in fear of the dark during that month, but to me, its called culture, especially our one and only 七月歌台.

七月歌台 is not only just a stage for people to lets say "sing for 好兄弟" but its also for human lah. Alot of aunties and uncles look forward to these 歌台s and some even buy the newspaper just to know the venues of where these are located.As you all know for sure, the local newspaper has been great supporters of the 歌台, posting many news on it. 歌台 acts as a platform for many talents, be it local or not, to allow them a dazzling platform to perform as well as to earn some quick money. So people there is no need to look down upon it.

Maybe you may think that these getai are seriously not suitable for teenagers but yet the fact is, many teenagers are heading to these platforms for a change instead of the normal Superstars or Mediacorp platforms. And also, one special thing to share about too is the liveband that plays during the getai. Without them, getai will not be getai.

Glad that many of you people out there did watch the local movies 881,12 lotus and Money not enough 2, where getais are used as a 题材 inside. Also, i do hope more people of our age will also go and watch getais as they are a real source of entertainment. Although the common language used is Hokkien, but there are also some jokes that you all will understand de :)

By the way, the singers are really very friendly too. There is seriously no need to look at them from afar. Try talking. HAHA. they will talk to you too, well unless they are really busy anyway. HAHA. One of the most memorable part of getai is the 12.01 of 七月初一. As its a date/time where all the singers, stage owners, bands and hosts gather together to 拜拜, in hope that all will go well during the month that they are performing. Anyway this year's 七月has been great and i do look forward to a greater one the year ahead. Hope that you will too.. HAHA i hope i din bore u all out.... well....

Share some pics:


佩芬and 阿南 hosting

Them again..

Me and 阿南哥
PS: dun be scared by his looks. He can be very sweet too :)

Me and 李佩芬 :)
Ps: She's pro. HAH. the one who sang 家侯 song in money not enugh 2
Sang since she was six.
A nice girl too...

lets look forward.

Mizuki signing off :)
要爱美= 做自己所喜欢的事

DuoPAI? 就是这样派

. '
DuoPai? 就是这样

a very famous term in this world - camwhore.
BUT, what exactly is camwhore?
to us, camwhore is just a way to love yourself :D
pretty / ugly, boys / girls, ALL, are given a chance to camwhore.
so, why wait? JUST TAKE IT.
its a God-given chance :D
cam whore nonsensically!
camwhore sillily~
camwhore dazely!
camwhore even in the mrt

or even before getai
with or without shades.
what do you think of camwhore?
tune in tml :D

DuoPAI? 就是这样派

.Friday, September 12, 2008 '
DuoPai? 就是这样

We're Mizuki&Yuzuki.
set up this blog just for crazy.
You may or may not agree with us, BUT,
ultimately, its still our blog.
oh! & we're extremely friendly (:
we don't bite, don't roar, don't kill.
we write what we think & feel.

DuoPAI? 就是这样派


#o1. We're not the bitchy kind.
#o2. We eat bitches for breakfast.
#o3. We talk what we like.
#o4. We have no attitude problems.
#o5. Yuzuki is plain crazy;
#o6. Mizuki is plain lady.


16 of age, not that mature
nonsense and nosense is our thing

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xSeptember o8

